Where is my bus?

Real-time Maps with Kafka, Python and Leaflet

Building a live map of London showing current bus line locations.

3 min readJul 2, 2019


The world map (Source).

Everybody is talking about real-time data nowadays and indeed the need is real. Real-time availability of data is becoming a crucial success factor and driver for digitalization in nearly all areas like business analytics, financial data, cybersecurity, in the public sector, and so on.

Let’s have a closer look at two examples of which we will implement the second one in this blog series.

(1) Financial data, Real-time fraud detection

Your bank for sure owns algorithms that can protect your account in detecting fraud transactions. In the past, those algorithms were scheduled once a day giving a bulk output of possible fraud transactions. Employees need to take care of reversing malicious transactions with huge manual efforts and attackers may have caused already large damage.

The possibility to detect and stop fraud transactions in real-time as they appear would save huge manual efforts and limit the potential damage attackers could cause. Fortunately, real-time fraud detection is possible nowadays.

(2) Public sector, Real-time maps

